Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Post script

I've been home now for almost a month, and not a day goes by without my thinking of Japan.  My experience in that wonderful country was truly a life changing experience.  Not that my day to day life has changed.  I still live with my two dogs and two cats.  My work has not changed.

It is my attitude that has changed.  Maybe it was my imagination.  Maybe it was the fact that I "escaped" my life for 2 weeks.  But there was something about the people in Japan that put me at peace.  And I've remained at peace since I returned.  My days have actually been MORE stressful since my return.  A sick family member.  Tough days at the office.  But I am at peace.

I opened this blog telling the story of how I came to take this trip.  I read the opening post, and I realize that I still was quite angry at my deceased wife.  For wasted years, for the pain she put me through.  Somewhere along the way, I lost that anger.  There is no more of it left.  Do I miss her? Yes.  and No.  I miss her kind soul, her smile.  I do not miss the pain she put me through for 17 years.  And I have forgiven her.  Completely

Soon after my return home, I went out for pizza and beer with one of my closest friends (who I think of as the brother I never had).  He told me that he could feel the anger leaving me when I was in Hiroshima.  In hindsight, it started leaving in Kyoto at the bar when I met Yasuhiko,  a little more left at  Ryoan-J (the Zen Temple), and evaporated on leaving the Peace Park in Hiroshima.

I am ready to go forward with my life,  I awaken each day with the joy that I am alive, I am healthy and I have wonderful friends and family.  I've discovered new foods that I never imagined could be so good (Daifuku is my new favorite food-- I have the ingredients to try making it, but I've been scared so far).  I cherish good food.  I cherish all the wonderful people in my life.  I cherish a good drink (I'm drinking a Scotch right now).  In two days, I'll get to see a good portion of my family at my Uncle's birthday party.  I cannot wait to see them all.

This is a wonderful world that we live in.  So many incredible things to see, and people to meet.

I'll close with a picture of my dog who is sitting on the couch with me, her sister by the fireplace, and of my cats that I took this morning.

The question now is:  WHERE DO I GO NEXT????

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